Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Debate 2008 Press Release: Davis, California

February 5, 2008 4:00 pm West

UC Davis, California-Senator Ron Paul and Republican Presidential Candidate participated in a debate hosted by Fox News which covered topics ranging from foreign policy, healthcare and the budget. Senator Ron Paul issued the following statements:

“Truth is freedom and freedom is power.”

“We need to pull out of Iraq and focus our very powerful economy to benefit and strengthen ourselves.”

“Let the people speak for themselves!”

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Super Tuesday

Today is Super Tuesday. Go out and VOTE.

Here is an online polls link.

Election 08 Political Dashboard. Showing RCP Poll Averages (tracks and records the results of dozens of differnet polls by multiple pollsters and averages the lastest figures) and Yahoo! Buzz which represents search activity for the given candidate, which shows a strong online following for Ron Paul.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Global Warming Press Release: Davis, California

February 1, 2008 11:34 AM West

Davis, California-Yesterday, Senator Ron Paul held a press conference and made these following statements about global warming.

“When we go to another’s land, or home, or business, we should expect to be bound by their rules of conduct. And owners should be free to protect their property and family as they see fit.”

“Any source that is viable, reliable and clean the market will pick up on it and it will not need government help to develop or sell.”

“Our government should and would protect our property rights. I am focusing on improving our country and believe that others will view us as a model.”

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Press Release: Fox News Interview- Davis, California

January 29, 2008 4:00pm West

Davis, California-Senator Ron Paul held an interview with Fox News and issued the following comments.

“[The American people] Want truth in politics. They want consistency and I have provided that through and through.”

“I will never vote for an unbalanced budget. I will never vote for spending that was not supporting US sovereignty.”

In regards to a question posed by Fox News on smuggling and human trafficking: “Return responsibility back to the states, to be dealt with at the state level.”

Check it out at Fox News Website-

Press Announcement:

Ron Paul Debate February 5, 2008

Senator Ron Paul is scheduled to debate with his fellow Republican Presidential Candidates at 3:10 pm Western time in Davis, California.

Energy, the healthcare system, the state of the economy, the Iraq war and the war on terror, as well also many other key issues will be discussed during the debate.

Press Release: Davis, California

January 24, 2008 3:30 pm West

Davis, California-Senator Ron Paul held a press conference and issued the following statements:

In regards to a question of economic liberation versus immigration Ron Paul stated: “Most important is to secure our borders. My six point plan is to physically secure borders and citizenship; enforce visa rules; no amnesty; no welfare for illegal aliens; and end birthright citizenship.”

(Referring to birthright citizenship) “Ending birthright citizenship wouldn’t break down the relationship, it would enhance it.”

In regards to questions about his stance on the Department of Education: “I would like the Department of Education abolished. Power should go to the states and parents who know their children best.”

Monday, January 28, 2008

A Message From Ron Paul 1/28/08

Hello friends and colleagues. What encouraging excitement we see as the campaign trail blazes on. Our message is spreading fast and I truly believe we will be victorious in the end. I thank you all for your continued efforts and support.

There were a couple of points from one of the last week’s press conferences (held 1/24/08) that I would like to clarify, with hopes of avoiding any confusions or criticisms that may arise.

In reference to a question regarding the No Child Left Behind Act and my views surrounding the Federal education system, I mistakenly used the term “Board of Education” as opposed to the Department of Education. As president I would abolish the Department of Education and similar institutions, which then would channel all powers and decisions to the Boards of Education or equivalent bodies within each schooling district, within each state. This verbal mishap may seem minor, but it is necessary that my stance on federally mandated education standards is clear. We do not need to have Washington telling us how our children should be raised, educated or assimilated. It is developing the close-knit relationships between parents, teachers and students that facilitate appropriate and accurate teaching methods. The power should be in the hands of those who know their communities best.

Another comment I made responding to a question about my plans for illegal immigration also deserves further clarification. An essential part of my six point plan to combat illegal immigration is denying birthright citizenship to children birthed within U.S. boarders whose parents have arrived illegally. As it stands now, any child born in the U.S. is granted citizenship, and for those whose families are here legitimately, this is a complete necessity. However, for many this is extra incentive to try and enter our country illegally, or in many ways, to use the miracle of having a child as an automatic green card. These problems must be addressed and approached with stern yet understanding measures. “Fixing” the illegal immigration problem in the United States requires strict philosophical and legislative reassessments and we must be sure to cover all angles that could potentially weaken our national progress.

I hope that this announcement clarifies any confusion arising from last Thursday’s conference and that if questions do still persist, we are able to address those accordingly. I thank you and wish you all a wonderful week ahead. See you at the polls!

Ron Paul

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Personal Message from Ron Paul

What a dose of goodness the Nevada caucuses turned out to be, taking silver as #2 and gaining four more delegates. Thank you for all the hard work in spreading our message of liberty, peace, honest money and free-market prosperity. Your work is a great sign of hope for me and all of Americans - past, present and future.

A state like Nevada, with its rich silver mines and extensive history of silver minted coins, reminds me just how awful the Federal Government has done with our economy. Silver dollars, constitutional coins dating back to 1792, are weighed at .775 ounces of silver. While they were worth $1 during my father's era, today they represent nearly $14 in silver. That is, our counterfeiting Federal Reserve has pounded the dollar to 1/14 of what it once was.

My opponents in both parties all fall under some type of print-and-spend Keynesian. Is there anyone talking about honest money? Can we allow bureaucrats in Washington to decide our economy's fate with their finger on the print machine? We need a wave of truth wash over the politics of America, truth about the economy, the war, who is to blame and how we know we can attack the problems we face as a country. We need to abolish the IRS, strictly abide the Constitution, climb our way out of deficit and rid of our grossly-expensive, grossly-dangerous empire conquest all around the world.

In recent places I have visited an astonishing number people have mentioned the large amount of young voters and supporters we have. Heck yes!! And it is not only our youth, but all of us who are young at heart. We all have a place in making this country a free, prosperous and caring state. Work hard, be open to new ideas and promote optimism - that is inside all of us.

Our amazing fundraising efforts on the day celebrating the great hero, Martin Luther King, are a true marker of the support we have as a banner promoting civil disobedience against tyrannical government, peace abroad and a dedication to non-violence. Thank you all for your contributions.

We have a big schedule ahead and I look forward to showing the world that the hope needed for America will be found in our philosophy, our passion and our desire for revolutionary change.

Ron Paul

Press Release: Reno, Nevada

January 23, 2008 2:44pm West

Reno, Nevada-After experiencing some questions over the regulation and poor distribution of information to the Republican voters, Ron Paul finished 2nd in the Nevada Republican Presidential caucus on January 19, 2008.

Concerns were raised when republican voters in Nevada were sent postcards with incorrect date and time information as well as serious questions regarding the constant changing or errors of the rules lead to the Nevada caucus being delayed.

Ron Paul Campaign has been experiencing some trouble getting news coverage, but has experienced increasing popularity with voters on the internet.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Press Release: University of California, Davis

January 10, 2008 4:30 pm West

Davis, California-Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ron Paul made an
introductory speech and issued the following statements:

“The United States constitution holds the answers to our present day

“A strict constitutional approach to government, personal liberties, free
markets, sound money, and a protective national security will catalyze this

“Our time, money and energy would be better spent at home.”

“I am a man of the constitution and as President of the United States of
America I will ensure: a limited constitutional government, lowered taxes,
free markets, secure monetary policies, a renewed individual right to the
2nd Amendment and a noninterventionist foreign policy.”

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Update: Television Ad

The campaign staff is in progess of a new television advertisment. The ad will be premiered on Wednesday, 1/16.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Campaign Announcements

Thursday, 1/10- Ron Paul, along with other presidential candidates, will be addressing the public over their campaigns at the University of California, Davis. It will be at the Art building, Room 217, beginning at 3:10 p.m. western time. The speeches will be approximately five minutes each followed by questions by the press. Check for full coverage of the event by the end of the week.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008


(Tyler Hunt)

Campaign Staff:
Campaign chairperson and speechwriter- Hannah Mayfield
Press Secretary- Lindsay Zwetloot
Public Relations Advisor- Julien Cerutti